Success After 50

We are building a community with a big difference and we want you to be part of it. At Success After 50 we want you to share your experience of work and life to help others. Knowing where you don't want to be, or what you don't want to do is easy. Getting clarity on what you would like the future to hold is more complex.
It may have been a slog to get to this stage in life. Or maybe a breeze! You may be ready for more, finally that great job, or maybe a bit less.....or perhaps you just want out.
Whatever your situation, it will still be a surprise to have arrived at this place quite so soon and we hope we can support each other in the next stage of your journey. Our goal is to help you explore your future and to consider realistic options, through the prism of the real life experiences of others.
Understanding The Challenge of Age
The Success After 50 community is dedicated to helping you achieve some balance in your life. Work can be all consuming and for many of us that is the way it should be. And if this applies to you head straight for the Job Forum. For many however, achieving a balance, changing course or even just packing it in is the goal.
At Success After 50 our aim is to provide you with tools and information, stories and ideas that may be of use when considering what your future holds.
SA50 provides a safe place to explore your options.
There are no end of blogs and sites out there packed with information telling us what to do and how to do it, but no-one gave us lessons in what happens when you are approaching 50 and beyond. Its new, challenging and exciting in equal measure. There are moments when the planets are aligned and times when we feel it's all just out of control.
I started Success After 50 with the goal of offering readers a glimpse into the thoughts and experiences of others who are walking on their own journey, some or many of whom may have taken different paths. Together we can create a dynamic site packed with information about various topics that are near and dear to all of us. Take some time to explore the Magazine or Job Forum and find out for yourself what makes you curious and eager. Read on and enjoy!
When approaching 50, I found myself commuting into a workplace day after day, doing work that was often interesting and often not. When I got home there was a mortgage to pay and an ever increasing pile of bills.
Life was ok, but there was a niggle and little or no help or indeed time available to start sorting the niggle out.
Along the way, I had been made redundant and earlier in my life, when I was far too young, I had attempted to do my own thing with a great idea and youthful vigour but no money, no network and no sustainable success. It was the wrong time to try it and at the first opportunity I went back to the relative security of the corporate world. But as I approached 50, my commitments seemed to grow, as did my frustration. It was always the wrong time to change.
One day, I just jumped, after I had been given great advice. DO WHAT YOU KNOW!
I had been thinking about doing something new and shiny, the next great thing. but I had to remind myself that like most people I was no Dyson or Zuckerberg. For most of us, whatever our trade, we pick experience up on the way through and we can often re-package it and use it .....differently.
For me, it was the right move at the right time. All of a sudden I was the king of my castle, my own boss. But there were still hungry mouths to feed. I came to understand what the niggle had always been. I could work in an organisation but I wasn't an organisation person. Now all I had to do was have a go at making my life work.......
My aim at Success After 50 is to build a community by providing a platform that helps us all explore the world in life's third stage ........whether you continue to work or not

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